Tuesday, June 28, 2011

MAC - Naked Honey

Linden and clover, over and over

The linden trees out back are in bloom, and as I sat under them yesterday evening, I remembered MAC Naked Honey.

MAC released this perfume in 2009, a limited edition that quickly sold out. Luckily, I was reading perfume blogs like Bois de Jasmine and Perfume Posse at the time and their reviews had me hustling over to grab a bottle.

MAC Naked Honey is a honey-floral perfume that smells like linden blossoms. It's a sheer, green-tinged sweet smell, like standing beneath those waving boughs and breathing deeply the smell of gold and green dappled sunshine. Some people say is also smells like honeysuckle.

I smell clover. When I was a kid, we would spend the summer wandering the fallow fields and woodlots around my subdivision, playing in the tall grass, eating wild strawberries and raspberries and sucking the honey-sap out of clover blossoms. Naked Honey smells like summer memories to me.

MAC no longer sells Naked Honey, but if they ever decide to release it again, I highly recommend picking up a bottle. At about $25, it was some of the best perfume money I've spent.

House: MAC Creations Hue
Nose: Harry Fremont
Notes: white honey, floral notes, woodsy notes

Photo of linden: redteam
Photo of clover: Dendroica cerulea


  1. Lovely review! I need to try to find a back-up bottle of this amazing scent.

  2. Hi EauMG, it's off to eBay if you want it, unless the email @glasspetalsmoke sent to Karyn Khoury has any effect.

  3. So pleased to see your review of this - I own a bottle - much depleted now through swaps and whatnot - and wish I had stocked up more at the time.

    Liking the new dark backdrop (well, it looks new to me, but I have been away... : - )). I am of course biased where grey is concerned!

  4. I've not smelled a linden tree, but have read Amoureuse smells like that very tree. Are there similarities between the two scents?

  5. Hi vanessa, Yep, the backdrop is new. I just felt like a change.

  6. Hi Kym. Let me check my samples and see if I still have Amoureuse and I'll get back to you.

  7. Oh, I want this. The smell of clover is one of my favorite smells ever. There is nothing like it.
    I still pick clover and just sit and sniff - just like I did when I was a little girl.

    Your childhood memories of summer are delightful. I wonder if many kids still get to experience those wonders? I'm glad I did.

  8. Hi JoanElaine, I hope kids still get to experience a little wild time. I'm afraid too many are over-scheduled or their parents are afraid for them to be unsupervised. I cherish those afternoons when nobody knew where we were.


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